Friday, May 22, 2020
Compare and contrast the poems The Tyger and The Donkey...
Compare and contrast the poems The Tyger and The Donkey and discuss which poet gives us the clearest depiction of humanity. William Blake is a wealthy, upper-class writer who separates himself from the rest of the wealthy community. Blake has a hate for the techniques used by many of the wealthy, company owners who gain and capitalise through cheap and expendable labour, supplied by the ever-growing poverty in the country. Blake makes a point to try and reveal this industrial savagery through his work. The Tyger is presented as a metaphorical approach to the struggle between the rich and the poor; good and evil. The several references to good and evil reinforce this idea and meaning. The Tyger holds one great†¦show more content†¦The Donkey scolds us for judging in looks alone, seeing a donkey as nothing more than a dumb, ugly tool for use on whim, it teaches the reader that looks can be deceiving and to take one look at something and judge it before even trying to learn more about it is ignorance and foolishness. Chesterton, like Blake is trying to teach the world as lesson, he is trying to tell people to open their eyes to world and things around them, instead of ignoring them and dwelling in narcissism and selfishness. He is saying, try to see the world through the eyes of others, learn about new things, and learn never to misjudge someone or something mainly on first impressions. The Tyger presents a lot of imagery ranging from that of the tiger itself to that of its origin. Blake through his language aids us in creating a mental image of his poem stanza by stanza. Blake gives us rhetorical questions, which gradually introduce and draw us into the po em, giving us images of each theory such as: In what distant deeps or skies ================================ Gives us an image of perhaps heaven and hell, or simply the sky and the earth or perhaps even thinking in terms of the human mind. Which area of the brain conceived such a creature, the dark and mysterious less used part or the commonly used area, which is constantly exposed to multitudes of thoughts, images and feelings. Which part could create a creature of such stature and
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