Friday, May 22, 2020
Compare and contrast the poems The Tyger and The Donkey...
Compare and contrast the poems The Tyger and The Donkey and discuss which poet gives us the clearest depiction of humanity. William Blake is a wealthy, upper-class writer who separates himself from the rest of the wealthy community. Blake has a hate for the techniques used by many of the wealthy, company owners who gain and capitalise through cheap and expendable labour, supplied by the ever-growing poverty in the country. Blake makes a point to try and reveal this industrial savagery through his work. The Tyger is presented as a metaphorical approach to the struggle between the rich and the poor; good and evil. The several references to good and evil reinforce this idea and meaning. The Tyger holds one great†¦show more content†¦The Donkey scolds us for judging in looks alone, seeing a donkey as nothing more than a dumb, ugly tool for use on whim, it teaches the reader that looks can be deceiving and to take one look at something and judge it before even trying to learn more about it is ignorance and foolishness. Chesterton, like Blake is trying to teach the world as lesson, he is trying to tell people to open their eyes to world and things around them, instead of ignoring them and dwelling in narcissism and selfishness. He is saying, try to see the world through the eyes of others, learn about new things, and learn never to misjudge someone or something mainly on first impressions. The Tyger presents a lot of imagery ranging from that of the tiger itself to that of its origin. Blake through his language aids us in creating a mental image of his poem stanza by stanza. Blake gives us rhetorical questions, which gradually introduce and draw us into the po em, giving us images of each theory such as: In what distant deeps or skies ================================ Gives us an image of perhaps heaven and hell, or simply the sky and the earth or perhaps even thinking in terms of the human mind. Which area of the brain conceived such a creature, the dark and mysterious less used part or the commonly used area, which is constantly exposed to multitudes of thoughts, images and feelings. Which part could create a creature of such stature and
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Catholic Church During The Protestant Reformation
The three areas of concern that Catholics had about the Catholic Church before the Protestant Reformation were The Plague, Abuse of the Indulgences and The Great Schism. The Plague also known as the Black Death was a disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis that circulated among wild rodents. The disease took place in the fourteenth century. Symptoms include aching of limbs, high fever, vomiting of blood, and swelling of the lymph nodes. After the lymph nodes swelled they would then burst quickly followed by death. It was believed by many Christians that the cause of the plague was God’s anger at the sinfulness of mankind. Extreme measures were being taken to appease this anger. Groups of people known as the Flagenece went through the towns offering penance trying to make amends for the evil of the world. Due to their extreme approach of turning their anger on the Jews and priests who did not approve of them, they were suppressed and condemned by the Pope in 1349. There were questions as to why God was so angry with his people, and why his servants and leaders in the Church could not appease his anger. In the history of the church there have been a lot of Abuse of Indulgences. An indulgence can be seen like a certificate of credit. It is apparent by the Catholic doctrine, when a person has sinned, they can perform various forms of penance to earn the spiritual credit. This credit can then be used towards an early release from Purgatory. The Indulgence had beenShow MoreRelatedProtestants Were The Victims Of The Catholic Church s Persecution During The Reformation1584 Words  | 7 PagesProtestants were the victims of the Catholic Church’s persecution during the Reformation. Even while Protestants were fighting their own persecution, some Protestants were persecuting others who wanted the same freedom to practice their own religions. The Anabaptists were one group who suffered the persecution of both the Catholic Church and fellow Prot estants. 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The Protestant Reformation and Catholic Reformation of the 16th century greatly changed individual freedoms, in dividual liberties, and the influence of religion. The start of the Protestant Reformation came when Martin Luther posted his 95 Thesis on the doors of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. (Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica â€Å"Reformation†) Luther believed the Catholic Church was corrupt, citing the indulgences as aRead MoreThe Protestant Reformation And The Reformation Essay1379 Words  | 6 PagesThe Protestant Reformation Why the Protestant Reformation is considered a significant development in the Christian Church. The Protestant Reformation was an event which occurred within the Catholic Church during the 16th century. This Reformation was prompted by Martin Luther’s ‘95 theses’ which were a list of 95 criticisms towards the church. The Reformation formed another branch of Christianity called Protestantism which is comprised of many different Christian denominations including AnglicanRead MoreCounter Reformation and Art History641 Words  | 3 PagesThe Reformation was a religious movement that divided the church between the Catholics and Protestants. The Counter-Reformation was a reaction movement that followed this originally crusade, and was lead by the Catholics as a response to the wide spread of Protestantism. The purpose of the Counter-Reformation was to spawn internal reforms. This movement was focused on the renewal of the church in the form of the use of images, focus on the church as the house of God, and the veneration of the VirginRead MoreThe Protestant Ref ormation And The Reformation916 Words  | 4 PagesThe Protestant Reformation took place in the 16th century and was a major European movement whose goal was to reform the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. This movement led to people worshipping God as they wanted and no longer relying on the Catholic Church for guidance with religious matters. Even though people were doing what they believed, the Protestant Reformation brought many conflicts. Religious disagreements caused bloody conflicts all over Europe. The principal figureRead MoreEssay about The Historical Impacts of the Protestant Reformation946 Words  | 4 PagesThe Protestant Reformation and European expansion have both left political, social and economic impacts throughout history. The Protestant Reformation which was started in the 1500’s, by a Catholic man named Martin Luther caused political instability and fragmented the Holy Roman Empire. It economically caused the church to go bankrupt and socially allowed for the rise of individualism among the people; Luther gave the people of Europe the long needed reason to break free of the church. The ProtestantRead MoreThe Protestant Reformation Essay1014 Words  | 5 Pagesof the Protestant Reformation. This paper will discuss Lutheran Reformation, The Anabaptist, and The English Puritans as well as the Catholic Reformation also known as the Counter Reformation. It is the hope that after the reader has had the opportunity to view each of the characteristics and the expressions of each of the reformation the reader will have a better understanding of each and will be able to articulate the differences of each. The Protestant Reformation called the Protestant RevoltRead MoreThe Decline Of The Protestant Reformation1276 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction: The Protestant Reformation was a religious act in the 1500’s that split the Christian Church in Western Europe and led to the establishment of many new churches. It effected spiritual thought, philosophy, political work, and the economies of several countries all around the world. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Effective Broadcasting of Channel One Free Essays
There is a large debate erupting within our nation†s education system. Corporate America is invading our classrooms and campuses at an alarming rate. Corporate conglomerates such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Nike, and US West are making their presence felt in the hallways, gyms and classrooms from grade schools to colleges. We will write a custom essay sample on Effective Broadcasting of Channel One or any similar topic only for you Order Now Should these companies be allowed to buy their way into the classroom? The answer is no. Corporate restructuring of our educational systems is not the way to solve our schools†funding problems. Big companies want to get into the classrooms as soon as possible. Next year, 53 million American children will make up approximately $250 billion dollars worth of immediate spending (Long, 2000:1). If the children are properly marketed, this figure would rise exponentially in later years, leading to a lifetime of brand recognition. These children are beginning to associate certain products with the brand names that they see and use at school every day. This will then likely cause these children to continue to buy the same products later in life as well. This lifetime of purchasing power could lead to incalculable profits in future years. Channel One is a daily newscast that is offered to students around the country. Nearly 40 percent of American schools tune into Channel One everyday (Manning, 1999:1). A controversial entrepreneur, Chris Whittle, founded this company in 1989. These students are supposedly tuning into this program every day in order to keep up on current events and issues around the world. However, Channel One is now known as the most profitable in-school marketing campaign in the nation. The company gives the schools, which will allot time for students to watch the program, free satellites and television sets. What it also gives them is two minutes of paid advertising (Stark, 2000;1). Nearly all of the 86,000 schools across the country use some sort of program where the schools receive money or equipment in exchange for proof-of-purchase coupons or receipts (McQueen, 2000:2). Is our public education system nothing more than an incentive based purchasing program, or are we trying to teach independent thought and creative thinking? Third grade math is being taught by using â€Å"Tootsie Rolls. †Classroom business courses are being taught by touring students through McDonald†s facilities. Coca-Cola and Pepsi are feuding over multi-million dollar contracts that would ensure student consumption of their products first (Manning, 1999:1). Nike offers free apparel and equipment for sports programs, only if the athletes will become walking billboards, wearing large logos on their jerseys and clothing. US West builds team scoreboards only for schools that will agree to exclusive vending deals. However, there is something else to be said about the commercialism of our nation†s public education system. In standardized testing, our nation†s education system is falling behind the rest of the world. The government has been lagging on education reform, and fewer dollars are being pumped into most areas of public education. Some would say that commercialism is a great opportunity to put money back into the schools. South Fork Highschool In Marlin County, Florida gave Pepsi the exclusive right to to market and sell its beverages to their students in exchange for $155,000 (Stark, 2000:3). A school that was in dire need of funding received compensation and Pepsi, in turn, gets to be the sole distributor of beverages to the school. This is the business exchange. These companies will provide money and services for schools that are lacking proper funding in exchange for what is turning out to be rudimentary corporate brainwashing. This may not be necessarily bad for the students, but it does pose a threat to true consumerism. Another great example of this is The Wal-Mart Corporation. More than 1,800 Teacher of the Year awards are given by Wal-Mart, each teacher receiving $500 that can be turned around and spend at Wal-Mart to purchase goods and supplies for the class (Long, 2000:2). This is where Wal-Mart†s investment begins to pay off. When the students see that Wal-Mart has recognized a teacher of theirs, and has in turn given money for the school, than the students will begin to see Wal-Mart as a good company. This may, in-turn, cause sub-conscious purchase intent in the future for these students. While this may seem like a fair trade, money in exchange for consideration, but there is a deeper issue at bay. Should this potential corporate brainwashing be allowed to occur when our children†s susceptible minds are at risk? If this is allowed to happen, then our entire society could be interpreted as being one large marketplace, where commercialism dominates over everything, even basic public education. There are some people who are fighting back against the onslaught of corporate propaganda, and it can make a difference. A group in Seattle, known as the Citizen†s Campaign for Commercial-free schools (CCC), has been organizing meetings and â€Å"commercialism walk-throughs†in order to raise public awareness of the situation (Manning, 1999:3). In these walk-throughs, groups from the CCC will go and collect as much marketing material in the schools as they can, and send copies of their reports to the appropriate school boards. One schoolboard, with pressure from the CCC and other supporters, issued a resolution stating â€Å"We are opposed to exposing schoolchildren to corporate values in an educational environment where they assume that whatever is presented to them carries the approval of the educational establishment (Manning, 1999:3). After this resolution was issued, members of the CCC were put on a school-community task force responsible for studying the issue and making policy recommendations. Four states have also begun to limit certain types of advertising and other commercial activity from their public schools: California, Florida, New York, Maine, and Illinois (McQueen, 2000:1). According to the Center for Commercial-Free Public Education in Oakland, the Madison School Board in Wisconsin was the first ever to reject renewal of an existing corporate contract when they cancelled their contract with Coca-Cola after months of public debate (McQueen, 2000:2). In closing, it is imperative that this corporate desecration of our education system be stopped now. If this problem is not remedied, then businesses could quite feasibly end up running our public education. People are making a stand, but the results are too far and in-between for any real difference to be seen. Consumerism will eventually take the place of learning as the goal of our schools, and we will fall further behind in terms of international education standards. How to cite Effective Broadcasting of Channel One, Papers
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