Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Content And Character An Essential And Perennial View Of...
LIBERTY UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Content and Character: An Essential and Perennial View of Education A PAPER SUBMITTED TO DR. THOMAS MARSHALL IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE COURSE EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY FOR TEACHERS EDUC 305 (B03) BY Heather Clarke L2674650 8 June 2015 ABSTRACT: TBD INTRODUCTION After several years of study to become an educator, it is my belief that the main goal of education should be to produce responsible, functioning members of society. Our curriculums should give students practical knowledge that will not become obsolete in the next few years. Our students should be capable of using logic and reasoning to apply their education to real-world contexts. A strong grasp of basic content knowledge is what helps propel students toward success in every career field. My philosophy aligns most closely to that of essentialist and perennialist classrooms due to their beliefs on education, incorporation of technology in the classroom, variety of instructional methods, and consistent success (Braley, Layman, White, 2003). The following discussion will help outline my essential and perennial inspired philosophy of education. WORLDVIEW AND PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE Humans are sinful by nature, and they must learn to be good. Adam and Eve brought sin upon humanity in the Garden of Eden, and now we must seek redemption through Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:22, ESV). As Christians, we must aim to do all things with the goal ofShow MoreRelatedCurriculum Development: Process10055 Words  | 41 PagesGrossman and Lloyd F. Scott. Although their book is oriented to the elementary level, this model for curriculum development may be adapted to the secondary and tertiary levels. The Michaelis model includes the components generally recognized as essential to curriculum development. It is designed for use in two ways. First, it may serve as a guide to the development or revision of the curriculum. Second, the model may serve as a guide for the review and analysis of the curriculum (Aquino, 1986). Read MoreCurriculum Development: Process10044 Words  | 41 PagesGrossman and Lloyd F. Scott. Although their book is oriented to the elementary level, this model for curriculum development may be adapted to the secondary and tertiary levels. The Michaelis model includes the components generally recognized as essential to curriculum development. It is designed for use in two ways. First, it may serve as a guide to the development or revision of the curriculum. Second, the model may serve as a guide for the review and analysis of the curriculum (Aquino, 1986). Read MoreEssay on Women Empowerment5266 Words  | 22 Pages MoreEssay on Women Empowerment5257 Words  | 22 Pages Read MoreTheology of the Body32011 Words  | 129 Pages(created for each other in love). F. The nuptial meaning of the body 1) Genesis allows us to ground an adequate anthropology in the theological context of the image of God in the â€Å"hermeneutics of the gift.†The dimension of the gift decides the essential truth and depth of the meaning of original solitude-unity-nakedness and is at the heart of the mystery of creation and the theology of the body. 2) Creation is itself a fundamental and â€Å"radical†giving by God, in which the gift comes into beingRead MoreCulture Value of Film Theory3565 Words  | 15 PagesNational Heritage, which was then given responsibility over film. Shifting the brief for film from a ministry of trade to a ministry of culture was indicative: â€Å"This was a departure from previous government practice and significant in relation to the perennial debate about whether film is art or industry. Past governments had classified film as industry, except in one or two contexts when it became culture.†[3] It is still the Department of Trade which manages the tax break system which is key to theRead MoreClassroom Management10289 Words  | 42 Pagesis make correction an activity. Correction can be used as a follow-up to any given class activity. With helpful gestures from the teacher, students will often be able to offer a corrected version themselves. The method of peer-correcting is an essential technique for a dynamic teacher. The main principle of the method of peer-correcting is to use fellow students to rectify errors. It is true that correcting students while they are trying their best to use the language can often discourage them.Read MoreThe Food Industry and Self-Regulation: Standards to Promote Success and to Avoid Public Health Failures7346 Words  | 30 Pagesfood and beverages in 2007. Of this, nearly $1.7 billion was spent on marketing speciï ¬ cally targeted to children and adolescents, most of which promotes items such as sugared breakfast cereals, fast food, and soft drinks.7 The average young person views more than 40 000 television advertisements per year. Young people are also exposed to promotional messages via the Internet, magazines, and video games.8 This avalanche of marketing persuades children to prefer, request, and consume calorie-dense,Read MoreEssay about Gendered Media9688 Words  | 39 PagesThe Influence of Media on Views of Gender Julia T. Wood Department of Communication, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill times more often than ones about women (â€Å"Study Reports Sex Bias,†1989), media misrepresent actual proportions of men and women in the population. This constant distortion tempts us to believe that there really are more men than women and, further, that men are the cultural standard. THEMES IN MEDIA Of the many influences on how we view men and women, media are theRead MoreGp Essay Mainpoints24643 Words  | 99 Pages GP NOTES 2010 (ESSAY) Content Page 1. Media a. New vs. Traditional b. New: narcissistic? c. Government Censorship d. Profit-driven Media e. Advertising f. Private life of public figures g. Celebrity as a role model h. Blame media for our problems i. Power + Responsibility of Media j. Media ethics k. New Media and Democracy 2. Science/Tech a. Science and Ethics b. Government and scientist role in science c. Rely too much on technology? d. Nuclear technology
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