Thursday, October 31, 2019
Artists Chosen to Depict This World in a Positive and Negative Sides Essay
Artists Chosen to Depict This World in a Positive and Negative Sides - Essay Example Art serves many purposes and for these purposes is to relate to its audience.  Relating to the audience can either be done either by painting the world in a positive light or otherwise by invoking the darker side of man and society. Both methods are effective in rendering art. One of the artists that depicted in this world in a positive light is Claude Monet (1840-1926), a French impressionist painter famous for his ponds and water lilies. He portrayed the world in a positive a light because he invokes fond memories among his audience when he paints his ponds, water lilies, garden, and beach.  Noticeably, Monet’s work is full of depicting waters in various form be it ponds or beaches, it invokes a positive feeling among his audience because it reminds them of outing, the family gets together, childhood and happy moments. The other approach that is opposite to Monet’s positive outlook is depicting the darker side of man and society. This approac h is to bother and unsettle the audience by invoking negativity in the artwork. One of the classic examples is Pablo Picasso with his distorted image of man and his surroundings. His approach was so negative that he was first criticized for his negative approach in painting. Finally, the audience caught up with him and understood the genius of his work that beauty can also be portrayed by evoking the negative aspect of man and society and not just by painting nice things and people which could sometimes be boring.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Structure Of The Human Powered Aircraft And The Industry Literature review
Structure Of The Human Powered Aircraft And The Industry - Literature review Example 1 – 5). Thus, a capacity for flying over the longest possible distance on limited power available from humans is a critical measure of performance for small human powered aircraft and jump type hang gliders, which must maintain a low weight while ensuring a degree of stability, safety, controllability and structural soundness. Because one of the largest weight components of an aircraft is its primary structure, the proper design of aircraft structure for human powered aircraft and hang gliders remains a challenge that decides about the success or failure of a design. The appropriate design flight conditions and the structural loads caused by a flight are variable and not immediately apparent, with flight regime and manoeuvring requirements placing additional demands on aircraft structures. Thus, for hundreds of years, if not thousands, the idea of man-powered flight has inspired many brave men to design strange contraptions with which to rival the birds (Grosser, 2004, Pp. xvi i – xix). The International Worthing Birdman Competition is an annual event held in the picturesque Worthing Town, located on England’s South Coast that encourages creativity in design and innovation for human powered / glider type flying machines (Worthing Birdman, 2011,†Worthing International Birdman Festival†). ... Because of the limitations imposed on designs of aircraft that are eligible to participate in the Worthing International Birdman Festival, no single entry to date has succeeded in gliding over the required 100 m distance. This literature review presents an examination of designs for human powered aircraft and hang gliders that will most likely present a winning entry for the Worthing International Birdman Festival. An emphasis exists for deciding about the structure of the aircraft, and the literature review should appeal to all those with an interest in human powered aircraft and gliders. Because Para gliders are gliders with no rigid form and only a simple fabric wing, with a pilot attached to the wing with high-strength cords, these designs cannot meet the specifications mentioned for the Worthing International Birdman Festival (Demand Media, 2011, â€Å"What Are Three Different Glider Designs?†). The length of the high-strength cords in a Para glider design connected to th e pilot will not permit pilots to travel far after a jump from the pier before they land in the sea. Thus, this literature review only considers hang gliders and other human powered type structures, excluding human powered helicopters (which do not have a wingspan) that are more likely to provide a pilot with the maximum height to travel before landing in the sea to present a win in the competition. It is important to note that human powered helicopters must lift the weight of the human and power engine as well as the weight of the entire aircraft structure to demand exceptionally large and lightweight rotary wings that present great complexities to render such
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Potential Of Wind Assisted Ship Propulsion Engineering Essay
The Potential Of Wind Assisted Ship Propulsion Engineering Essay Wind is present all around the world, and in some places with abundant energy density. Wind had been extensively used in the past, for mechanical power in addition to transportation (J.F. Manwell and J.G. McGowan, A.L. Rogers (2009)).Wind energy has evolved into one of the most practical, cost-effective and both environmentally and technically attractive, of all the renewable energy options in the world. So the wind energy has a lot of potential at sea for assisting in ships propulsion. Wind is the cheapest, most powerful, and greenest source of energy on the high seas. The accelerating fuel costs over the last decade have led to growing interest in the application of wind assistance for ship propulsion and reduce fossil fuel consumption. Using wind energy for propulsion of ships in sea is in fact one of mankinds oldest ocean-going technologies. In one-way or another, with modern advances in ship design and propulsion the use of wind energy was almost forgotten Sail systems were the dominant form of propulsion until the 19th century ( Astrophysicist Carl again writes, for example, that: the consequences of scientific illiteracy are far more dangerous in our time than in any that has come before. Its perilous and foolhardy for the average citizen to remain ignorant about global warming, say, or ozone depletion, air pollution, toxic and radioactive wastes, acid rain, topsoil erosion, tropical deforestation, exponential growthà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.How can we affect national policyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ if we dont under stand the underlying issues? Aim and Objectives: The main of the project is to analysis into the potential of Wind Assisted Ship Propulsion (WASP) and its application into the modern day shipping. WASP systems will be explained, analysed by showing its benefits and drawbacks. The applications and possible benefits of the use of the WASP will also be investigated showing all the relevant factors that are affected by the use of WASP. The key objectives are summarized as: Research into present and evolution of WASP systems, Potential of present WASP system and their applications. Advantages and future development of WASP systems Discussion of economic and environmental factors Analysis into the use of alternative energy sources at sea. Evaluation of WASP by application to a case study Critical analyse into all findings to produce a logical and well founded conclusion. EXISTING WASP SYSTEMS: The following are the remaining WASP Systems in use at present in the sea Aerofoil(Wing-Sail) Flettner Rotor Rig Soft Sail Towing Kites (Skysails) Wind Turbine (Skysails) Aerofoil (Wing-Sail): This form of marine propulsion works in the similar way as an aeroplane wing, producing pressure differences between opposite sides which create a force , supported by central mast. The trust provided by the solid structures of the sail is more with less drag than conventional sails. This technology came into wide development in 1980s by Japanese and still some vessels use this technology nowadays with research into the application of such systems proceeding. Various research is been carried out and one of the example using this aerofoil concept is this ship model which is called the ecoliner. It is a type of cargo vessel which propels by using combination of high-tech sail and engine power. This combined feature, make it possible to work like a normal cargo ship with similar service of speed, freight price and other factors. Using this ecoliners , as ocean transports will decrease the pollution emissions to 50% of the ship. MV Ashington vessel is a bulk carrier which has auxiliary propulsion with the use aerodynamic wing sail. ( A computer controlled wingsail fitted to the 6,500 dwt dry cargo ship mv Ashington resulted in a fuel savings average of 8% and, under favourable circumstances, of up to 20%. (htt p:// The wing-sail have two significant drawbacks which are considered. First one is that the moments coupled with the lift forces which produce the propulsion also can create a large aerodynamic drag force which acts as a huge drawback when sailing directly into a head wind(Clayton, 1987).Rigid sails then usually themselves into the wind direction when no force can be created while some design allow the surface to be folded using hydraulic controls such that the direction can be controlled. In general wing-sails have a high lift coefficient compared to soft sails which will be discussed in further topics. This means this system has more advantage over the other conventional sails even though initial investment in the system will be high. Various designs now incorporate a frame with a material surface to keep the minimum weight. Flettner Rotor Rig: Flettner rotors consist of cylinders which are of spinning type and tall mounted onto the vessels deck. The vessel is set in motion by using the Magnus effect. The Magnus effect is produced whenever pressure difference occurring around spinning object. This concept was done by researcher Anton Flettner, a German naval architect. Later researchers conducted experimenting into its operation in 1980 when Saudi oil crisis happened. But this system never overtook the diesel engine usage. However in the 1920s Fletner rotor operated in sea for a quiet a long year proving reliable form of wind propulsion. To understand this system works, an understanding of the Magnus effect is necessary. The Magnus effect or force happens when there is a pressure difference around a spinning object. Because of this change in boundary later around this object happens, a lift force is generated in direct propulsion to the acceleration it imparts on the air streaming by (Seufert, 1983). This lift force happens due to Bernoullis principle; this use of the principle is highly effective and is described as practicable. Soft Sail: Soft Sail system consists of two main types, the modern square rig and the fore and aft rig. The square rig is the most efficient running rig and useful to longer routes with more constant and foreseeable winds.Fore and aft rig type is suitable to short routes, where the wind speed and direction be unlike. In modern day shipping the soft sails is not used, because of its large propulsion of deck space and needs constant manning. The reason for this is because the other types of sailing systems are more effective and efficient compared to these soft sails. The sky sail lakes large portion of deck space and always need constant manning. With deck space is considered more important for carrying cargos in present shipping world, it makes less effective in use and outweighs the advantages of any soft sail systems. The future of ship propulsion may consider this soft sail with combining with other types of propulsion to take advantages and use it in a efficient way. However there are some smaller vessels like fishing boats still depend on soft sails as an auxiliary propulsion force and the uses of soft sail are important in this fishing boats Towing Kites (Skysails): Towing Kites function on same basis as several conventional kite arrangements used on such things as Paragliding and kite boarding, etc. the propulsion of the vessel is assisted by the kite which harness the energy from wind. Since wind-conditions are not always sufficient, the Skysails system is designed to function as a supplementary power source, in addition to the ships engine. Skysail consists of a towing kite, a control system, a launch and recovery system and a wind-optimized routing system. The Para foil kite is constructed out of high-strength, weatherproof textiles, and is designed in such a way that it can achieve optimal aerodynamic efficiency at any wind speed. The steering system operates automatically and is composed of the control pod and the control system. The towing kite and the towing rope are linked by the control pod. Much like autopilot systems in airplanes, the Skysails sensors collect data that is processed by the systems software, which sends control orders accordingly. The launch and recovery system is responsible for automatically recovering and launching the towing kite, control pod and towing rope. The kite is attached at only one point to the launch and recovery mast, enabling high manoeuvrability. A telescopic mast lifts the towing kite during its launch. The wind unfolds the kite to its full size while the reef system launches the reef ropes. While the towing kite is decoupled from the launch and recovery mast, the towing rope is released. The power transmission system consists of a towing rope, a force transmission point (tow point), and winch, and is responsible for transferring the tractive force from the kite to the ship. The mounting system ensures that the towing kites force is aligned ideally to suit the winds direction. The routing system is composed of a weather forecasting performance calculator, which processes the weather forecasting data and of a decision-making model, which calculates the optimal route following priorities set by the ships owner. Finally, the routing system has a route recommendation feature, which translates the information into a series of waypoints read by the shipmaster. The SkySails system also improves the ships safety and performance on water as it damps the waves so that the ship suffers from less slamming and torsion forces. In addition, as a result of smoother sailing, the ships life is extended. A short video of a ship equipped with the SkySails system is available ( The steering system of skysail operates automatically meaning that there is no input need via crew, just observation. The skysail system will have a control pod situated on the high strength towing rope and the kite. This pod changes the profile of the kite such that it ultimately controls its flyting path in line with ship needed direction. Wind-Turbine: Wind turbines are widely used in land; however it has not yet been applied on at large scale in the shipping industry. Wind turbines at sea could perform two functions as electricity generation and in aid of propulsion. The drawback using wind turbine is it will be ineffective at no wind and counterproductive at high wind conditions.many smaller vessels have used wind turbines directly connected through gearbox to the propeller. But large vessels need large size machine to drive the generators which makes complex engineering to make it work stable. Also this system will need more time to get fitted, assembled such that it means it will be suitable for future vessels. APPLICATION OF WASP SYSTEMS: The use and development of WASP systems in the modern day shipping should be considered to make an adequate conclusion .At present WASP system are at very small percentage of the global marine transportation industry. The different types of systems are already present in use various ships and also in small vessels such that it makes easy to have a very good potential in upcoming years since the price of fossil fuels hikes and also they pollute the air which made global impact to cut the harmful exists of these looking at the advantages and the usefulness of WASP systems and its drawbacks, various factors related to it can be analysed. The further topics will discuss about the advantages and applications of these systems. POTENTIAL OF PRESENT WASP IN PLACE: WASP is already in place for long ago in small vessels like boats in fishing industry. Currently WASP is present in less in global marine industry but its still considered as notable, potential system to avoid fossil analysis the various factors and cases, understanding can be done greater. Oil crisis happened in 1970s and 1980s , the Japanese were very conscious and tried to look into alternative to the field of ship propulsion and some 17 sail- assisted tankers were produced with all having similar design. The first vessel with name Shin-Aitoku-Maru (DWT: 1600), in 1980 reached 11knots speed when the sea and ship conditions were good. These sails travelled in sea during that oil crisis but later the oil prices dropped down again .this made the diesel engines to overcome those sails and the marine industry discarded to use the systems .however the environmental concern arrived in 2010 regarding water and air pollution due to the fossil fuel .this play a massive role to change the world to look into alternative energy sources that can be used in sea and imposing rules and regulations on various pollution factors. APPLICATION OF WASP: The application of WASP systems are vastly used in fishing industry in smaller vessels. Many American and European boats have small auxiliary soft sails but they are used rarely. Large commercial fishing vessels does not utilise wind at all, since it would be impractical most often. They increase work load on crew with others factors including cost of the equipment and less knowledge to use the system of WASP will make it difficult to use it. It can be seen in statistics that WASP could be used in fishing fleet to a greater extent that actually works. By looking at historical research, wind has been used ad earlier way of propulsion when no engines exists. The transaction from the main form of propulsion changing from wing to coal- fire propulsion units took place so quick over a time spam of 30 years. However increase in price of fuel and pressure to reduce fuel consumption. Skysails are used by Wesselss Sipping Company on three vessels where some good results have ben obtained. WHERE WASP MAY BE APPLIED: Although climate change has occurred since the creation of the Earth today it represents a setback to a society that grew in the last two centuries to over 7 billion with an associated energy demand based primarily on the consumption of fossil fuels. The global population is expected to peak at 9.2 billion around 2075, while social development is desired to its important that WASP could be used in various ships propulsion. WASP may not be a good solution in making all vessels more efficient and reduce fuel consumption. But some vessels use the benefit of this recent years Ultra Large Crude Carriers (ULC) and Very Large Crude Carriers (VLC) dominates the transport of crude oil and the benefits of WASP on such kind of carriers are hard to be seen in practice. But smaller carriers may benefit from WASP technology and vessels which run on lower speed can use this type of propulsion to reduce fuel consumption. For example, steam coal and iron ore are usually stored on a very large scale before the resource is even utilised. In that case the vessels can carry them with the use of WASP which can produce 11-13 knots speed and its practicable. FACTORS One of the weapons used by all vessels, the WASP combat is essentially highly advanced missiles that contain a variety of sub munitions. The computer that controls each one is also able to analyse tactical situations and plot the best path to achieve your goal and ensure success. The WASP has a maximum acceleration of 20g when using standard fusion fuel. This acceleration and speeds allows the WASP conditions for manoeuvre and more power. This speed advantage and acceleration allows you to run more. In addition to attacking enemy ships or space stations, WASP combat can also be used as a defines drones. In this mission profile, WASP can also be used as thermonuclear warheads or anti-matter ahead of the enemy. The health and economic impacts In this area, we are only beginning to understand the true extent of the consequences on utilization of WASP systems. Intuitively there is an accumulation of pollutants through the food chain and possibly in our drinking water supplies. But, according to Technical Document Management Measures National Pollution Control Environmental Protection Agencies, published in November 2001, petrol, oil, diesel fuel, and batteries and acidic cleaning compounds, and solvents involved in the maintenance of the boats ( as methylene chloride, tetrachloroethene, trichloroethene, and trichlorethylene) trickle in lakes, rivers and coastal areas, and many of these pollutants, particularly some of the heavy metals are attached to sediments and are eventually found in the food chain through either plankton or other organisms and then concentrated through the food chain, being a major environmental threat as well as a big human health problem when it comes to fish consumption. The high speed of supply and refuelling system used by WASP does not mask the problems caused by liquid spills and toxic gases; rather, it completely solves the problems. Industry There are economic consequences for the marine industry. The short-term impacts that cause direct financial costs are cleaning and punitive actions associated with them. Over time, the waters are much polluted, further legislative measures are introduced. Clean water is essential for multibillion dollar industry. Environment Supply system by WASP system is a high-speed refilling helps the environment in many respects, eliminating damage caused by other products refuelling. This product eliminates the smoke harmful gas that gives off the oil, polluting the air. It eliminates the greenhouse gases that pollute the earth and our ozone layer. This system prevents leaks that harm the soil. There was never a supply system created before can eliminate all kinds of damage, and that works without causing pollution. The high speed of supply and refuelling system using the WASP does not mask the problems caused by liquid spills and toxic gases, however, solve them by complete. Most of the damage caused by the emission engines and oil leaks comes from petroleum. Small leaks, despite being isolated events tend to occur every day around the world, they are, gallons of oil pollution in our waters. A small fuel leak affects a disproportionate amount of water on the surface of the ocean. In the UK the legal limit leaking oil and one drop of oil for every 2 litres of water in a proportion of 15mg per litre. Therefore, a single litre of oil can contaminate one million litres of water. And this is a chronic problem to be solved, and the reaction of sunlight, the chemicals become infinitely more toxic, and prolonged exposure affects thousands of fish species and a myriad of creatures such as shellfish, marine plants and damage as algae and their reproduction when exposed to oil. And the old trick of using soap or detergents to make the brightness disappear, is not only illegal, but it only makes pollution worse, and eventually adding surfactants to the mixture, whic h attach to the gills of fish and destroy their ability to breathe. The effect is catastrophic. And, as if that were not enough, the increase in population drives the development of the industry, and a lot of pressure on the marine environment. The impact on marine life inevitably leads to an impact on human health. WASP Systems are specialized in projects for supply, installation and commissioning of water systems and wastewater treatment systems, gray water recycling, along with some simple write-downs and innovative energy systems. The system creates a vacuum seal ventilating, and dramatically reduces the incidence of unintended leakage of gas that would normally escape to the atmosphere. The main advantage of the invention is that it allows the filling very quickly, which will significantly reduce operating costs for operators of vessels and facilities loading terminals. Applications for the WASP system will focus initially on three distinct segments in the market within the maritime industry: nautical recreation, navigation and commercial refuelling (as tugs, barges, ferries and commercial vessels), and loading of liquid cargo from ships that cross oceans. The deployment of this system in the world will eliminate millions of tons of harmful particles of gas to the atmosphere, and prevent millions of gallons of fuel from spreading into watercourses .freighters with this product, which is able to increase the delivery time cargo 100% and thus may reduce the time spent in each vessel terminals. We can shorten the terminal for vessels which reduces the rate per ton of whole load of liquid therefore increase the amount of deliveries for all vessels. We can reduce the waiting time for vessels which reduces the rate per ton of whole load of liquid therefore increase the amount of deliveries to all ships refuelling and increased how it works at high speeds. Our product also eliminates many greenhouse gases and gases hazardous to health that are associated with refuelling which in turn becomes safer for everyone to use our product to refuel. Currently we are working together this time with a major oil company and help them in their oils movement worldwide. 6.2 Economic factors Economic factors in the application of WASP freighters These ships can perform rapid sustained combat operations at sea as a centrepiece strategy. To carry out its core mission, WASP has a support system that synchronizes the simultaneous horizontal and vertical flow of cargo and vehicles throughout the ship. The ship propulsion can generate a total of 400 tons of steam per hour. If the energy of the two boilers were converted into electrical current could power a city of 160,000 inhabitants. Electric generators aboard a ship can provide more than 16,000 kilowatts of energy. Two stations provide a capacity of 450,000 litres to 200,000 litres of water per day supply. Chapter 5: Case Study 5.1: MS Beluga Skysails MS Beluga Skysails with its computer-controlled kite (top right corner) One of the latest innovations in the heavy cargo ship which increases fuel prices has been a return to wind power. The MS Beluga SkySails is a heavy carrier that uses a towing kite system as part of its propulsion systems. The ship was launched and followed early sea trials in the North Sea in January 2008, the vessel embarked on its maiden voyage from Bremerhaven, Columbuskaje to Guanta, Venezuela. On route, the efficiency of the system was applicable in winds of up to force five for 8 hours a day. The system was hailed as a success, with calculated savings of up to 2.5t of fuel/$1,000 a day. With larger sails of 600m ², fuel savings can get up to 35%, possible. CONSTRUCTION The system has been developed by SkySails SkySails GmbH and Co. KG. The Beluga SkySails was equipped to navigate with a candle paraglider 160m  ². The area of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹the kite can be increased to 320m ². A pipe controlled by computer, is connected to the ship by a system of rope. The system can control the kite at altitudes between 100m and 500m to maximize the benefit of the wind. With oil prices so high, a cargo ship 87m average could save about à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 300,000 a year. The system can potentially be adjusted to any ship. The overall reduction of carbon dioxide transport arrives at an estimate of considerable million tons per year. The BBC said there is something magical, a giant cargo ship being pulled on its way to the sea with ten thousand tons of metal, and with the sun shining giant masts. But there is something even more magical about the MS Beluga SkySails. On the face of it, this ship leading, for example, parts of a production line of wood to Venezuela looks like any other cargo ship. MS Beluga SkySails believes its fuel bill will be cut by  £ 800 ($ 1,560) a day. We can demonstrate that it is possible to combine economy and ecology, says Verena Frank of Beluga Shipping, and explains, Economy, because you can reduce consumption and fuel costs and, moreover, contribute to ecology, reducing emissions carbon dioxide. the kite is controlled by computers. a computer helps to make it fly, and maximize the power it produces, the other computer adjusts the direction of the kite. If the project is successful, we expect to see kites even higher very soon sum up to 5,000 square feet in size, pulling ships ac ross the seas and oceans. Graphic Steve Rosenberg explains, See how the ship kite works: of all the CO2 that is pumped into the atmosphere today, 4% comes from ships. Thats more than the aviation industry, mainly because 90% of world trade is done by sea. The MS Beluga SkySails believes it has the solution environmentally, with a mission to transform the green oceans. Once the ship reaches the open sea, reveals a new weapon in the fight against global warming: a kite. The 160m2 kite is hoisted on a mast and for half an hour or so, he stands there at the top of the mast, not making a big thing. The wind and certainly a wonderful thing, because it only needs a bit of wind to make everything else work. Half an hour later, however, the wind makes the kite start to fly hundreds of feet in the air and helping to pull the ship. The paragliding and synonym of power to the engines of the ship, so you can work on reduced power: which means less carbon emissions. It also means lower bills in fuel costs. With the price of trans portation fuel that has doubled in the past two years, paragliding promises great savings. How the Ship-Parrot The kite helps reduce annual fuel costs 10-35%. Fuel economy also means fewer carbon emissions harmful to the atmosphere. The large towing kite resembles a glider and is shaped like an airplane wing, so you can take advantage of different wind directions. The kite operates at 100-300m above the surface much larger than a normal sailing boat where winds are stronger and more stable. The kite can be used in winds of 12-74 km / h (or 7 to 40 knots). The Technology Skysail Graphic References: Tom Schueneman, MS Beluga SkySails Completes Her Maiden Voyage (February 6th, 2008) Steve Rosenberg, BBC News, Bremerhaven, northern Germany, Gone with the wind on kite ship (September, 2012)
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Teachings of Mathematics Education in America Essay -- miscellaneo
The Teachings of Mathematics Education in America Math educators in the United States should stress the understanding of the learners and teach them to process certain understanding to succeed in mathematics. The connection between math understanding and the reading of math problems should be raised in smaller grade levels so students have a better understand of math at younger ages. Yet it is not all the students’ part in learning the math, but also the educators’ part to teach the subject in an understanding manner using the curriculum and proper textbook. The rankings of mathematics in the United States are just barely above average compared to the world standards, and the preliminary studies show that the twelfth grade level tests are even lower and politics has to be blamed for this (Math and Learning). â€Å"As teacher-educators and lifelong mathematics enthusiasts, we think that America’s problems with math are not new news; they predate both the No Child Left Behind Act and the reform-math movement. To us, the story here is less about test scores and more about the nation’s attitudes toward math. Simply put, America is math-phobicâ€â€to an extent that profoundly influences our country’s policies, teaching practices, and, ultimately, the performance of our students.†(ERIC) The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) want to emphasis the basic skills taught in math classes as per their standards made in 2000. The old standards, made in the 1990’s, stressed importance on new ideas, and integrated technology use to solve complex equations. Ms. Lappan, the president of NCTM said, "That became, in some places and for some teachers, the goal. They missed the main goal: that children become highly skilled in using mathematics; We've tried to be very clear [in the revised standards] that mathematics is the goal.†The proposals of the 1990 standards and the 1998 needing revisions said the same: â€Å"Mathematics teachers need to reach all children by offering a variety of instructional strategies that encourage students to learn the concepts that lie under the algorithms they are learning; The changes, however, are unlikely to satisfy critics who find fault with the 1989 standards themselves, not just the way teachers and policymakers have implemented them. And they may also confuse and frustrate educators who have radically changed the way they teach... ...e poor teaching in the country. â€Å"The Third International Mathematics and Science Study warn unequivocally: United States students need to work toward a better, deeper understanding of mathematics--the "how" and "why" behind the equations. Without a clear, consistent vision for teaching math, there is little chance for any of our children to ever meet these standards. And this vision must start with the people whose job it is to impart knowledge to them: the teachers (ERIC).†â€Å"Political leaders of both parties have certainly recognized the need to address this crisis. America 2000, initiated by President Bush and adopted in somewhat different form as the Goals 2000 Act signed by President Clinton, calls for national standards in every educational discipline (Math and Learning).†The teachings of math in this country affect students in many ways such as teachers that teach math, the government that doesn’t support better funds for teaching math, the curriculum reform, and many more. Most of these things are not as visible in society yet it still occurs. The students ranking so low in the world in math is not good at all, and there needs to be something done about the matter.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Social Sciences
Assignment-[4] how the relationships between people and traffic are ordered. In this assignment I will try to compare and contrast two views of how the relationship between people and traffic is ordered. The relationship between people and traffic is then examined in chapter 7 of making social lives. I will be comparing and contrasting the differences and similarities between road traffic engineers Colin Buchanan; and Hans Monderman. Colin Buchanan was commissioned by the UK government in 1961 to start work on the report! Traffic in towns for the Ministry of transport [chapter 7 p. 27] the report was aimed to produce a new design for urban space in order to engineer the efficient distribution and access of a large numbers of vehicles†to a large number of buildings. Achieving a satisfactory standard in our environment for life in towns. [Chapter 7 P. 327] Buchanan had visions of more towns to be organised to the flow of traffic and more roads to be built. The Department of Tran sport reports between the Second World War and 1969 the Numbers of cars on the roads quadrupled: this meant that not only needed more roads needed to be built but also a new way for towns to live with cars. Chapter 7 p. 326 Silva 2009 Cited Ministry of transport 1963]. The future of choking road congestion was feared unless the rapid rise in demand for car travel was matched by an increased supply of roads. Buchanan's concept was built on the explicit principle of segregation, reading from chapter 7 Ordering social life the case of road traffic making social lives: sometimes the strict separation of vehicles and people: cars were afforded their own generously proportioned network and pedestrians were safely tucked away in residential blocks often terminating enquired cul-de-sacs. Silva, Cited Buchanan 2009 p. 329 chapter 7] the whole subject of traffic in towns†¦ Is capable of being put on a rational and quantitative basis. Guesswork and intuition can be largely eliminated: giv en the necessary information, many aspects or precisely culpable: and there is scope for techniques which will greatly ease the burden of decision between alternative courses of action. Now let’s examine another road traffic engineer and compare this to the Buchannan report. Hans Monderman a road traffic engineer from the Netherlands had different ideas on how to organise traffic and people. Mondermans theory was the removal of all traffic obstacles road signs: traffic lights: and use the spaces left for humans to share the space with motorists. In evidence in 1989 the councillors of Drachten voted to remove every single traffic light and abolish road signs and warning signs. [P. 334 Silva 2009 chapter 7] his concept was that when all traffic obstacles were removed, the space left was to be shared by drivers and pedestrians. His theory was to narrow the roads and also put features alongside them. He planted trees and flowers and also Fountains, this was to discourage drivers from speeding the psychology of it was that they would slow down while driving past these features. Drachten is the town of 43,000 people in the Netherlands Monderman shared space approach was known as the Drachten experiment. [Silva2009, cited councillor Koop kerkestra p. 334]. The head of traffic policy at the town hall of Drachten, â€Å"the lights were causing problems; people were for ever waiting to get across junctions. We also had more than 140 casualties a year. It was difficult to know what to do, and we certainly didn't want to ban cars as we loved cars here in Drachten. Fortunately I met traffic engineer who had an unconventional solution. [P. 334 chapter 7 Silva, 2009] cited Monderman]. If you treat drivers like zombies they will behave like zombies: explains Monderman in other words, motorists or taught to blindly follow instructions, they stop thinking for themselves, and accidents follow. The above are a few briefs on traffic engineers Hans Monderman and Colin Buchannan who were both tasked with very difficult assignments and both had completely different views on how to manage the traffic flow, although Buchannan was much earlier than Monderman in years, both had quite revolutionary ideas of their times. Trying to compere the similarities between Monderman and Buchanan is not an easy task to undertake, firstly they were both road traffic engineers which are important I guess, and they were both commissioned by governments even though Mondermans commission was through local government. They were both commissioned to create the use of better space and a way to ease the flow of traffic in towns. They both looked at traffic and humans and how each played a role in creating a design for traffic to move more easily. This was also due to the similarity in statistics of ever increasing car owners on the roads, and I suppose a reason to prevent accidents in the future. What are the differences in both these engineers’ â€Å"ideas†plans and concepts of how to manage road traffic between humans and cars? Firstly Buchanan segregated humans from road traffic and built towns on the edges of motorways. Towns were built such as Milton Keynes and many other places with never ending cul de sacs and housing estates which were hard to get to even using the sign posts as it all looked the same. This isolated the towns from the spacious road networks, resulting in later years ever more traffic lights: calming zones and such like. However Monderman wanted to share this space left behind after the removal of traffic lights and all road signs with pedestrian’s †cyclists†and car drivers. Arguments. Buchanan based is road hierarchy on segregating people in towns from traffic? Did this mean primary roads and street roads were placed before motorways? Which streets and roads were best placed to distribute the traffic flow, do Buchanan’s plans still work in today's modern society, and it seems ever more increasing traffic! We need ever more modern day thinking and new approaches. Buchanan based his road flows from towns: thus the use of the space with segregation from people means many town roads and street roads were cut off from the motorways. Was there enough space left for what we see today in the likes of bus lanes, cycle lanes, did Buchanan foresee this. If he did surely the roads he planned and then subsequently built would be a lot wider. Today we are left with limited amount of space! If you drive down a normal high Street in any town today: you will see that traffic is very crowded and congested, there will be a limited amount of space for cars and vans taxis etc. You will notice that the inside lanes are used specifically for public transport busses. I would certainly argue that the Buchanan report had many flaws using anecdotal evidence put before me. I say anecdotal as I have no evidence to look at as I have to use what is in front of me for this assignment. Now let me turn to Hans Monderman and his vision of the shared space approach. This is very interesting as he relies solely on interaction of the person or persons driving vehicles, with pedestrians: or cyclists. Since all the obstacles of traffic lights and even road kerbs have been removed, this leads all participants having to acknowledge each other and prejudge one another's next movement. This idea seems like what you see on the TV, in places such as India Pakistan and Asia, which all traffic is moving fast around town centre junctions, which seems quite chaotic to one's first instinct. They all in fact seem in a frightful hurry and one has no data to rely on? About how many accidents or crashes they may be in places like this. I don't quite know if this is the same as Hans’s Mondermans shared space theory, but that's all I've got to go on in my argument. What was it Monderman said concerning the use of traffic lights in town centres, with drivers having to obey the instructions given by a set of lights, if you treat people like zombies they will act like zombies [ Silva2009, cited Monderman p. 34] in that this idea is similar to the behavioural social scientist Foucault. Who when studying people and their behaviours: he wrote? People come to see themselves as engaged in â€Å"normal†ways of thinking and behaving through socialisation processes in the family, schools, workplace or public space. In turn, they can contrast themselves with the â€Å"deviant†or abnormal ‘people who lack self-control or self-discipline [and therefore behave b adly]. [P. 321, 2009]. This is very interesting as he is thinking the same as Monderman in the use of people and their control. Conclusion. Both Buchannan and Monderman were modern day thinkers of engineering and planning road traffic, both had relative success in their tasks and both used people and segregation from cars. Monderman with! Buchannan without! Both ideas are very interesting, although I think Buchannan’s is out-dated by now: but he played a major role in United Kingdom’s traffic engineering. Hans Mondermans idea is really fascinating though and I wonder â€Å"greatly†if it is working and how many other nations will take up this idea. References. Silva. Elizabeth, [2009] Making social lives. United Kingdom the Open University. Milton Keynes. Silva. Elizabeth, [2009] making social order, 7 3[1] pp. 326-328,United Kingdom the Open University. Milton Keynes Silva, Elizabeth, [2009] Making social order, Silva cited Buchanan p. 326 7, United Kingdom the Open University. Milton Keynes Silva, Elizabeth, [2009] making social order 7 Silva cited Koop Kerkestra-Monderman p. 334 Making social order. United kingdom the Open University Milton Keynes. The Open University cited Foucault, [2009] pp-319-322. 7, 2. 2. he social sciences and social order. United Kingdom, the Open University Milton Keynes. Self-reflection, although I have a fair way to go yet I am starting to grasp the basics of social science and how they work and order things, this assignment was my most focused yet and although it is frustrating not being able to find other sources for my work especially on the results of how Monderman and Buchannan’s theories have worked out since they started I think my work could be even better in the future. Word count 1696 including references and self-reflection.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Cold: a Comparison of Fowler
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold: A Comparison of Fowler and Snopes Matt Fowler and Abner Snopes are both male characters that possess a motivation for revenge. Some people can only feel better about an unfortunate situation or circumstance by seeking revenge. Such a person would believe that until the other party feels the same pain as they have, only then would justice have been served. We live amongst a society where acts of revenge are quite common and most perceive them to be of a â€Å"natural human emotion. People feel different emotions and think different thoughts on a daily basis and throughout life as we grow and change. Things do not always work out in our favor or the way we have planned for them to. While both men are in two completely different circumstances; the motivation for revenge is mutual. In the case of Matt Fowler, we see a man who has lived his life the best way he knows how. He is a loving father who raised his children well and he continues to execute th is role by attempting to guide his son, Frank, in the right direction when it comes to the woman he is in love with: a married mother of two small boys.It is clear to Matt that Frank is deeply in love and there is nothing and no one that can hold him back from following is heart; regardless to how dangerous the situation may be. Matt is supportive of his son; while pointing out to Frank the dire circumstance that he and his lover are in. The bottom line is that she is a married woman and her soon-to-be ex husband has already exhibited violence towards Frank before. (Killings,105) This heartfelt and much needed conversation is shared between the two men while on a father and son road trip. Dubus 107) Matt and his wife wake up to any parents worse nightmare: their son has been murdered. From that point forward, Matt feels as if he is wandering through life as opposed to living life as he previously have before the death of his son. Matt is struggling between the good man he has always been and his feelings of seeking revenge on his son's killer. There will be no inner peace for him until his son's murderer is dealt the same fate. Matt will eventually act on this urge in a thorough and planned out execution.We have all seen the news programs with families pleating and mourning over the loss of loved ones through unnecessary violence. Many times, law enforcement feels the need to intervene and remind the heartbroken family members and friends that it is best to allow the law to seek justice; as opposed to seeking revenge and continuing the unnecessary violence. As adults, we understand the logic behind this; however, as a grieving parent, whose life may seem be over and pointless without their child in it, this emotion can invade one's soul and not lessen until that emotional fix for revenge is received.Matt Fowler is a man who goes through these roller coaster emotions and eventually acts out on his thoughts. (Dubus 108) Abner Snopes is a man who comes from a dif ferent era and exhibits different values and affections for his children than Matt Fowler does. They do not share many similarities as men and the only thing they have in common is that they are both fathers seeking revenge. Abner Snopes is a character that we see in today's society quite often.He is a man who does not abide by the laws, is not a good role model or example for his children, and when his actions catch up to him and it is time to face the consequences of his decisions, he is not man enough to accept the punishment. Our society is filled with people such as Abner Snopes. These people tend to go through life making selfish decisions and never learning their lesson. They tend to blame others for the reasons they are guilty of unthinkable acts and later continue their reign of terror because now they have something/someone knew to blame for their demise.Their children are eventually faced with two options: 1. Be like my father and repeat the viscous cycle or, 2. Be a bett er man then my father and learn from his mistakes. Abner Snopes is a man who is rough around the edges and shows no mercy when it comes to his guilty pleasure of burning barns. As a father, he attempts to convince his youngest son that he must be loyal to his family because blood is thicker than water and without doing so, there will come a time in his life when no family will be there for him since he didn’t remain loyal to them. Faulkner 505) Abner knows that his young son is a honest boy who does not support his father's barn burning ways; as a result, Abner attempts to â€Å"teach†the boy that being loyal to one's family, regardless if they're right or wrong is the honorable thing to do. Eventually, tried for intentionally damaging a rug by rubbing his dung covered feet on it, and being sentenced to the lesser punishment due to a lack of evidence, Abner is infuriated as opposed to grateful that things didn’t end up worse.He, in return, sets out to burn down the rug owners barn. His son knows this act will be wrong and he cannot stand idly by and allow his father to continue doing what he does. He makes the decision to turn his back on his father and warn the barn owner that his father is coming to burn down his barn. (Faulkner 512) later, the boy hears shots fired and knows he can never return back to his family to deal with the outcome of his actions. One is left to think he continues to live a life of his own and become a better man than his father ever was.
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